Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Heart is SINGING!

I am so happy that my friend is in Love!!! I am so happy that I met Rhonda and she saw Boyce's picture and asked,"He's cute who is he?" I replied, "That's Boyce he's single want to talk to him?". I'm so happy for them... Check out the love on their face!

My prayer for them is that they will alway keep God first, Love like this day is the first day of the rest of there life, agree to disagree and communicate communicate communicate!!! I love them both but God Loves them more!

I'm so happy for them!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Today is Valentine's Day

Today is Valentine’s Day and the song that has been ringing in my ear is, “Unquenchable” by Shekinah Glory. The lyric that is playing over and over in my head is… He is the air I breathe… the wind beneath my wings… my heart and spirit!!! God is my love and he is my valentine. I’m so excited that in 2009 a sad thought has not been my main thought when thinking about valentines. I’m truly Blessed. I pray that all couples are enjoying themselves today, tomorrow and forever more.

Yesterday was a very bad/tragic airplane accident. I pray for the family and friends of everyone effected. It’s amazing how one minute you’re talking with someone and the next minute they are gone. I know that it’s very important to say, “I love your loved one, treat them right and hug them” but, how much do we really understand that our time here on earth is but a vapor? The way that God loves us is so perfect in spite of everything/thought/action we/I do. God Loves us!!! God is Love!!! I love him!!! Daily, I strive to love people the way God want me to and not the way I want to. When feelings and emotions get involved my mood changes but, God… his never changes.

This year so far has been wonderful. I can’t complain at all. I love life and I love love love God. My goal is to work very hard, do Gods will, grow in God, travel, scrapbook, and be me.

Things that has been happening… I made a small purchase. I went to Target… It’s the first time this year (I’m sure only once this year). I got some wall art. I know it doesn’t sound like a big deal but, It is to me. I haven’t (let me repeat) I have not purchased any wall art or frames since I left Michigan in Feb. 2007. Here’s the picture… I really like my purchases.

Another event that has occurred… I had company from Chicago. This very nice man came down to check on his property (that’s next to mine). Well, he informed me that he’s interested in parking his mobile home right next to my house. I was so upset! I’m not playing I was upset that he thought he was going to clean a small spot of land off and plant his mobile home right next to my house. So, he had the land cleared… which made me mad because it exposes my house to the road… Now, you can drive by and see my house. I don’t like that! And, then I found out that “he can not plant his mobile home next to my house because it’s against SSI’s land ordinance. SO! That means that I have this piece of undeveloped wet land (yes, I said wet land) that is not manicured, that does not look like my green grass/dry dirt - sticking out like a sore thumb. To top it off it’s, right before you arrive to my house! Then, on Feb 12, 2009 he goes back to the comforts of his Chicago home where is has everything set up just like he wants it... I’m sure no exposed wet land!!! I wish that he cared a little. See the picture!!!! I know it sounds like I’m mad/upset… but, I’m not. The first night I was! Then, it was time to go to bed so I prayed about it and have not been mad/upset since. I just wanted to share on my blog! SMILE!

Well, lastly. I love love love my job as an Academic Advisor for Troy University! I work with some very nice people and I love meeting the students. I can see this job as a stepping stone into a larger campus and more students. I am very Thankful… My boss is a wonderful person and I admire her knowledge of Higher Education and gusto for her job! I look forward to many opportunities as they arise… and I’m thanking God every step of the way!!!