Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Day One - Gym Time - Operation -15lbs

Ok... After my doctors visit last night I learned that I've gained... I've gained 15 more lbs than I thought I gained. So, Now I have a plan. I need to get up and move something... my butt that is. For the next 10 days I'm going to work out. I'm going to talk about it and I'm going to make a difference in my life. Ofttimes,I'm excited about making a difference in someone elses life... it's time to reverse this weight in my life. Let's GO!!! I'll be back tomorrow to say how my first day went!!! YAY!!

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

It's been a Long Time... Now a New Year!!

Happy New Year!!! With this new year I'm going to make new attempts to blog. I think this will help me as I grow. So much has changed since I've last posted... maybe I will take the time to update. LOL Maybe NOT!!!!