As many of you may know I had the pleasure to be with my church Burning Bush International Ministries competition choir. During this time we 90 of us has been stretched, pulled and worked over both mentally and physically. I know that during our ministry we were very focused on the works of the Lord, performing for the Lord and go for the GOAL and not the Gold. This was very experience has drawn all of us closer and also has increased my desires to grow in the Lord MORE!!! You know it's important for us a believer to live a life after Christ. He should always be reflected in our behaviors. I am so Thankful for God's love and direction. Our song was Stir up the Gift - Joe Pace. Our performance was a production... also we were featured in the Washington Post newpaper (picture included) even though we didn't win.
" Although it didn't win, no one outdid Detroit's Burning Bush International Ministries Mass Choir in terms of spectacle with its rendition of Joe Pace's "Stir Up the Gift" that had some of the men wearing "Phantom of the Opera" masks and the women donning fans -- all while incorporating hip-hop and black Greek fraternity step-show dance moves." ~John Murph
I've learned so much about singing since I've been in this choir. One of the most important things is if you take time and apply the lyrics to your life you will not only feel the Joy but you will feel the change!!! Welcome it... Believe me WELCOME IT!!!! Somethings that we said were... Should not be... be afraid... God has not given us the Spirit of Fear but the Lord has given us POWER!!!!! We need to use the tools of Love, Power, Joy, Peace and watch God work a wonderous work in us and for us!!!
Love You!!!