This is the New name of me and my friends. Teefah=Scrap, Angie=Crackle and Shia=Pop. We went to Craft 2000 (the only best place in Michigan to buy all of your tools and embellishment) on July 21 for a girls scrapping splurge day. The totals (close to totals) $60.00, $42.00 and $121.00. To make it even worst we stopped to JoAnn's on the way home and spent $30.00, $21.00 and $22.00. I really enjoyed being with my friends. We had so much fun... the shopping was just the icying on the cake. Oh! Yeah! Mary "O" went with us. She is so funny. She added some good laughs and silly fun. She is not a scrapbooker but, we are going to convince her. I can't wait until we go all together again. I LOVE SRAPPPPPPPPIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGG
We all went to Craft 2000 and boy was it fun. Every time we go it's worth the 30 min trip. We did our girl talk going down there... you know the usaual boys, travel, food and scrapbooking. It was so fun. We were to meet up with Mary O. once we got there. This trip seemed very fun and exciting because two of them have never been to this place. We had virgins...! LOL Teefah and I knew what to expect... We combed the store slowly laughing along the way. Teefah had a list that she was trying to follow... Mary O didn't know what to expect. and Shia was in Scrapbooking Heaven. The biggest challenge was getting out of there with money to go to eat with. We began our purge before heading to the front of the store and it was very well worth it because all baskets were full. Everyone did good but, the most fun was just enjoying the moment with one another. Side note... Even though we didn't spend all of our money in Craft 2000 we did spend the rest at Joann Fabrics next door to the Chinese restaurant that we stopped to eat at. What a adventure.
1 comment:
We all went to Craft 2000 and boy was it fun. Every time we go it's worth the 30 min trip. We did our girl talk going down there... you know the usaual boys, travel, food and scrapbooking. It was so fun. We were to meet up with Mary O. once we got there. This trip seemed very fun and exciting because two of them have never been to this place. We had virgins...! LOL Teefah and I knew what to expect... We combed the store slowly laughing along the way. Teefah had a list that she was trying to follow... Mary O didn't know what to expect. and Shia was in Scrapbooking Heaven. The biggest challenge was getting out of there with money to go to eat with. We began our purge before heading to the front of the store and it was very well worth it because all baskets were full. Everyone did good but, the most fun was just enjoying the moment with one another. Side note... Even though we didn't spend all of our money in Craft 2000 we did spend the rest at Joann Fabrics next door to the Chinese restaurant that we stopped to eat at. What a adventure.
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