Thursday, October 09, 2008

Shooters and Stable visits!

To me Laurie looks like a "Power Sharpe Shooter Bond Girl"... She did a wonderful job at shooting the skeets.

This Stallion loved Annaliese! He was soooooo sweet!

Angie missed every Skeet!!! The instructor tried so hard to guide me but, I just didn't make the shot. I'm not too mad because I like not being a sharpe shooter.

This is Sea Island, GA.


Anonymous said...

Interesting outing. Who's idea was this?

renee said...

Girl, you need to put that gun down before you hurt yourself (smile). Okay, maybe it would be interesting to try once.

BTW, I have been thinking about you. Glad to see you are happy at your new job. I sort of worried when you posted that you were quitting your other job, although I completely understand the need to get away from the stress.