Many don't know that I just went on a road trip... I would like to mark this road trip off of my bucket list but, I'm NOT! LOL I would like to modify my bucket list! The next time I go on a road trip I would like to go slower and enjoy some of the states as I drive through. I did have a chance to stop and shop alittle in each state (you know me a post card!). The interesting thing about the whole trip was I had a layover in Philidelpia. I'm excited to go back there and visit different places. I did meet a nice man that made the flight with turbulence from Hell a littel better. Mr. Gill! It was my pleasure co-politing the plane with you! LOL
This trip was remarkable because I had the opportunity to hang out with my Mom, Dad and sisters. I Love them! Family!!!
I can't wait to skate and scrap and everything this weekend!!! YAY!!!

visited 26 states (52%)
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