Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Today is a new day. I thank God for Mrs. Toy. She talked to me all night last night and we laughed and cried and had a good time. I thank God for her being in my life. Everyone needs that someone to help talk you through sometimes and really care about what's going on. One of her main points for the day was, "if you're a giver... you need to be with a giver". In relation to being in a relationship. You know I try my best not to be a mean person. I just want to be me and in doing that sometimes you find people that will use you and take your kindness and turn it into a weakness.

Today is a beautiful day and I can see the sun shining. I'm so thankful. I'm so Grateful.

I called Mrs. Moody (a lady at the Domingo's probation office)to gain a better understanding on what's going on with his probation and to see why and what types of limitations are holding him back from being in the service. I think the rules that hinder the personal development if the child/teen wants to do better and can. I don't know but, Domingo's charges are very bad and I think that he's going to have to prove himself worthy of many things and the ability not to try and out smart people to get ahead. I think it's a shame that he's chosen the hard road... but, it's his life and he has to live it.

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