Saturday, October 06, 2007

Today's Ramblings!

Today... I got up and thought to clean up! I've needed to clean up for a while but, I've been putting it off. I love being home not doing anything at times. But, with the heavy burden of needing to dump somethings and just vacuum I need to get some things done. Well enough of those ramblings. Oh! I must say for the record... That I have the best neighbors in the WORLD! I don't know what to get for them Blessing me so. I need give them something but, I feel like... What do you give someone that has everything? I want to buy them dinner or many be gas... or I just don't know. I'm at a lost!

I am feeling a little weird today. I miss my Nephew! I want to talk with him and touch his face. You know its interesting. I was looking at his face and I was reflecting on who he was and how God reveal things about a person. I thank God for picking me up and carrying me through this whole ordeal. I truly don't know where I would be if it had not been for the LORD! I MEAN THAT!!! I'm not sad. I'm just a little empty.

1 comment:

luv2scrapmilestones said...

So sorry for your sadness...but i am sending you a big big {{{HUG}}} and lifting you up in prayer. I hope you have a beautiful day and even better week.

Smile sista