Sunday, April 19, 2009

A little history of me...

I was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. Every year before I could remember I've been travelling to St. Simons Island, Georgia. Yes, Georgia has islands... I had the best Grandparents in the world. Thomas and Katherine. They had the best house in the world. It was the coolest. Ofttimes, I think of it when I see the color purple. I wish I knew who built it. I wish I had a picture of the actual land and the animals that lived there. I do have memories and every now and then I find a great picture. Pictures are truly priceless! Below is a picture of my Grandparents house... This picture is dated 1970. They moved out of that house in 1987; there is no telling how long they lived there... my dad was born in '44 - Dad said that the house was there years before he was born. The house had 5 bedrooms, the biggest bathroom ever!!! and the Best smelling kitchen where all the food made with Love (any grandchild would love to visit). I miss watching the thunderstorms in the middle of the day while sittin' on the sofa on the front porch... I miss the sloped floor as you walk in the front door... I miss looking out of the window at night and seeing nothing on the other side because there was "NO" light - just corn fields... I miss the beautiful front room decorated nicely and watching my Grandma read her bible and talk with my Granddad! Those were the days... when I was too little to stay home by myself... when I didn't want to go outside after dark because it was "TOO" dark! when the pear tree was huge... when my sister would have to rub me down with alcohol because I was bit badly by the mosquitoes... when the horse was crazy... when the dog were lazy because of the heat... the roosters were weird too... the pig or hog was extra fat and the neighbor was 1/2 mile away! Oh, how I miss running from the car to the door because I was a city girl and I just could get used to being in the country!!! I cried every night to GO HOME!! Those were the days! LOL

I thank God for that experience!


Tiare Smith said...

What a fantastic post! Great memory! I can feel your words. Taking me back to my younger days, as well! Enjoy your memories!

Anonymous said...

Angie, love this post, you should have shown me this at the retreat, sounds so much like some of my own childhood memories.