Monday, February 19, 2007

Girlfriends Girlfriends!

Long long day! Had a good time with Alisha, Lateefah, Mary Kate and Paul! Kicking it with Mary Kate and Paul and dinner with Alisha and Lateefah at Outback! Very good!

I just wanted to touch bases and tell you how I feel about car insurance and moving and Let me throw in people too. Ok! The first thing. Car insurance. I can't believe that my insurance company is acting a fool!!! Picture it. My deductable is $250. The work that needs to be done totals $650. The insurance company only want to pay $ 300. Doesn't that sound funny to you? I feel like it's not right! I think they should cover everything outside of my deductable. I believe in customer service and I believe in doing what is right. The don't believe that this company is worthy of the $100. the damage is done and the people can provide the service and I trust the people. I asked the claims lady was she telling me that the body shop was not telling the truth and making up numbers just to get money for a FREAKIN window repair? (btw the window and door is damaged and I believe the body shop because I've been with them before and I trust them). I told the Body shop to do the work... My policy ends on the 22nd and I will have my car back!!! It should NOT take a week for this whole process. Now! Moving. I have so much stuff. I've shifted, donated, packed and I still have so many things left to put into boxes... My question is WHO IS GOING TO UNPACK THIS STUFF! If you can't tell this is my first real Move! I left California when I was young and Georgia when I was in the early 20's but, now! I have things that I like/must have! LOL But, the question is whose going to unpack all of this stuff!!! P.S. I went to the LSS and I spent $35 I have a new question... Where am I going to put these new scrapping supplies? Lastly... I've made some very very nice friends/associated/people here in Michigan and I'm going to miss each and everyone of them in a special way. Everyone has made a great impact in my life and I will forever think of them. BUT! we are down to the last week for me to leave and everyone wants to meet on the same day but, don't really. They want me to set up a little going away gathering so they can come and we can mingle! I tried to get someone else to do it but, they wouldn't so I picked a date... The said yeah! NOW! everyone wants me to change it because it's the wrong weekend for pay day and or it was short notice or something else. Right now... I have too many things going on in my life to be planning a event and no one is going to arrive nevertheless want to pay for there own food. I swear I totally understand there intentions were good but, I can't do everything! Tell me Bye! Call me sometimes and I promise I will be ok! Thanks for listening/reading/ and being there! Goodnight! P.S. I didn't proofread! SORRY!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Fun Date

Alisha is so sweet. I'm so Blessed to have her as a friend. She came and picked me up for breakfast and brought me a Valentine's Day Rose. It is so Sweet and Pretty. I agree with her Mom that she is a Blessing to everyone one she's around. I Thank God for her.

Last night... I had a fun Date! We actually didn't do anything. And, before it was all over he came over my house and went to sleep. It was fun talking to him but, WHATEVER! After I move I'll see!

Meredith is here and I hope to have dinner or lunch with her. I miss her and I want to see her. I think I'm just going to need to take a trip to Kansas City, MO and visit her because I know she's very busy when she comes here. I love her she's a good friend.

It Cold outside. I took some pic of the snowy weather. I can't believe we haven't had any snow at the end of 2006. But, NOOOOO when I get ready to move it wants to SNOW every day. EVERY SINGLE DAY... now don't get me wrong it's very pretty SEE.

*Update* on car... Well I don't know if City Body is still arguing with the stupid insurance company or not but, either way its' crazy. I hope to have everything straightens out but, Monday. I want to return the rental and then get my car back shortly after that. The Deputy J.Ross called me to let me know that others have been vandalized the same way I have and that no one knows who or why. It's crazy. Well, I'm going to be praying for them. I hope they get weary and change there ways. God Bless them.

Friday, February 16, 2007

On Feb 15 this is what happened...

Thank you Lisa for thinking of me. Ladies you just don't know what kind of day I had. First, I must say I took myself to the movies yesterday and seen both Daddy's Little Girls and Norbit. Both were very good movies. Today, I recieved a call for a job interview with the local hospital where I'm moving... TBTG ( I made that one up... Thanks Be To God! ). I was so happy I went outside to warm up my car and... Someone broke my car drivers window. Glass everywhere!! The first thing I said was "THE devil IS A LIAR" I didn't get mad. I just called the police, insurance lady and City Body (repair place). I know God's got everything under control and I'm not going to waste my energy on someone elses ignorance. About the car. It looks like someone used some type of prying tool on the window, broke it and the top of the door frame. It doesn't seem like they even opened the door. I didn't have much laying out two essence magazines and a car charger. To me it seems like they were practicing on how to open a car door or my alarm thing scared them. Everything will be just fine! I have to get everything cleaned up because I'm Moving! TBTG!!! To answer the questions listed... This is too fun! I want to first say that once I clean up all friends and family are more than welcome to come. I can't wait!!! I currently live in Ypsilanti, Michigan. It's the sister city to Ann Arbor (home of University of Michigan). About 40 miles west of Detroit. I lived here for 7 years. I've gone to school the whole 7 years (minus one summer and one fall semester). I will be moving back to Georgia (I moved there orginally when I was 17 , graduated high school there and left when I was 25) The city is St. Simons Island. It an actually Island. You must cross 2 big bridges and 2 small ones to get to the house. My father was born there and I spent many summers there as a kid. The main land is Brunswick. The nearest major city is Jacksonville, Florida at 76 miles south and the second closest city is Savannah, GA at 84 miles north. Atlanta is 316 miles, Albany is 181 and Greensboro is 418 Oh! I didn't forget Tena I'm 265 miles from you! My planned move date was Monday, March 5 but, I got the bug when I went to visit so now I will be leaving on Feb 28. And, I can't wait for many reasons; weather #1, closer to friends and family, no rent, new career... on and on. My main goals are to find a church home, a career that involves my field of study (Educational Leadership Higher Education) and set and complete goals. I want to also open a business (unsure of what), I want to live and enjoy life peacefully and travel both in and out of the US. One of the greatest things I would like to do is Marry my best friend and have kids. So, I'm praying for all of these things. I'll keep you ladies posted on my progress. Thanks so much for reading and caring! I just Love each of you! Many Blessings!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day!!!

Well today is Valentines Day. Again no boo! But, I ain't mad. I'm chillin this year. I have so many other things to handle rather than worry about not having someone to spend it with. It snowed all last night but, not too too much. I'm just going to enjoy me a steak dinner with a whole bunch of veggies. I just want to chill!

Friday, February 09, 2007

I'm Back

I'm Back and now I can chill for this last 3 weeks in MI. I'm Sleepy but, I'm good. I had a good Trip and Alisha had a good time.

Saturday, February 03, 2007


This is the month were everything will happen very fast. Sallie Mae wants there money, Sprint wants there money and My first Car note must be paid. I'm so excited to put in my letter of resignation. Sounds funny right! Well I'm moving and I can't commute from Georgia to Michigan sooooo I have to leave somethings behind. Tomorrow... will be the first ever football game with two Black head coaches and We (Alisha and I) will head to Georgia. I think I'm going to take a nap and then leave because I'm alittle leary of all the people drinking and driving but, then again I think it will be early enough on the rode that everyone may be at the event or settled at home. I'm going to be praying, praising and singing. Ta-Nisha said she wants to come but, I don't think she's going to make it. I think it would be fun but, life comes first then fun. Everyone has bills and things to do and take care of. I will be taking pictures of everything on the way to and from Georgia. I will post plenty.